Specialibus mappis Londini primum a Mollio edita, nunc recusa ab Homannianis Hered. Homann Erben (Firm) CREATED/PUBLISHED [Norimbergae, 1759] NOTES Scales vary. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Sheet title in Latin and German. Individual map titles and text in German. Maps in English and German. From the authors' Atlas geographicvs maior. 1753-59 [i.e. 1784, v. 1, 1759] part 2, no. 85. Includes text and glossary. A. Newfovndland, od. Terra Nova S. Lavrentii Bay, die Fisch-Bank, Acadia, nebst einem Theil New Schotland.–B. New Engelland, New York, New Yersey und Pensilvania.–C. Virginia und Maryland.–D. Carolina, nebst einem Theil von Florida.