1890 Rare Statistical Atlas of United States


SKU: cdat10


Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon the results of the eleventh census by Henry Gannett.

This CD contains 130 rare antique maps and descriptive pages representing fascinating details about the United States based on the Census of 1890. All pages are in MrSid format. This format allows you to see the entire map or drill down for the smallest details. (MrSID software is included on the CD.)

The table below shows the description and a small image of each map/page on this incredible history CD.


Verso of Title

Transmittal letter

List of illustrations

List of illustrations (continued)

List of illustrations (continued)

Accessions of territory


Center of population at each Census: 1790 – 1890

Rank of states and territories in population at each census: 1790 – 1890

Population: 1890

Total population of the present area of the states and territories at each Census, in millions

Total population of the present area of the states and territories at each Census, in millions (continued)

Density of population in detail

Population of the United States (Excluding Indians not taxed): 1790 to 1820

Population of the United States (Excluding Indians not taxed): 1830 to 1860

Distribution of the population of the United States (Excluding Indians not taxed): 1870 & 1880

Distribution of the population of the United States: 1890

Population of urban to total poplutation, by States and Territories – historical: 1790 – 1890

Urban population (continued)

Rank of the most populous cities at each census: 1790-1890

Increase or decrease of the rural population: 1880 to 1890

The predominating sex: 1890

Population: size of families; sex; color and race

Percentage of Whites and Negroes in certain States at each Census: 1790 – 1890

Distribution of the Colored population of the United States: 1890

Proportion of the Colored to the aggregate population: 1890

Population: size of families; sex; color and race (continued)

Foreign born population, by States and Territories: 1890

Distribution of the foreign born population of the United States: 1890

Proportion of the foreign-born to the aggregate population: 1890

The total population and its elements at each census: 1790 to 1890

Proportion of Whites of foreign parentage to all Whites: 1890

White population of foreign percentage: 1890 (includes by countries)

Foreign born population, by States and Territories: 1890 (continued)

Composition of the foreign-born population: 1890

Density of distribution of the natives of Canada and Newfoundland: 1890

Density of distribution of the natives of Great Britain: 1890

Density of distribution of the natives of Ireland: 1890

Density of distribution of the natives of the Germanic nations: 1890

Density of distribution of the natives of the Scandinavian nations: 1890

Growth of the elements of the population: 1790 to 1890

Percentage of aliens in the foreign born mails 21 years and over: 1890; Interstate migration

Interstate migration (continued); Age and sex, in percentage of each element of the population: 1890

Interstate migration … : 1890 (AL, AZ, AK, CA, CO, CT)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (IN, Indian Territory, IA, KS, KT, LA)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV)

Interstate migration … : 1890 (WI, WY)

Age and sex, in percentage of each element of the population: 1880

Percentage of the aggregate population in each age group, by sex: 1890

Percentage of the native White population of native parentage in each age group, by sex: 1890

Percentage of the native White population of foreign parentage in each age group, by sex: 1890

Percentage of the foreign White population in each age group, by sex: 1890

Percentage of the Colored population in each age group, by sex: 1890

Conjugal condition of the population by sex, general nativity, parental nativity, and color in proportion to the total number of each element, 1890

Percentage of the native White of native parentage and the Colored, under 1 year of age, by State and Territories: 1890; Percentage of illiterates among the native White, the foreign White, and the Colored, 10 years of age and over: 1890

Illiteracy and education

Illiteracy and education (continued)

Illiteracy and education (continued)

Membership of the leading religious sects in the United States: 1890

Proportion of communicants of all religious denominations to the total population: 1890

Composition of church membership of the states and territories: 1890

Proportion of the Roman Catholics to the aggregate population: 1890

Proportion of the Baptists to the aggregate population: 1890

Proportion of the Presbyterians to the aggregate population: 1890

Proportion of the Disciples of Christ to the aggregate population: 1890

Distribution of the membership of the principal religious denominations expressed by the proportion which their membership bears to all communicants: 1890

Church membership

Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes

Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes (continued)

Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes (continued)


Mortality (continued)

Number of deaths from [diseases] per 1000 deaths from known causes

Mortality (continued)

Mortality (continued)

Mortality (continued)

Mortality (continued)


Occupations (continued)

Proportion of wage earners in manufactures

Proportion of wage earners in each of the five occupation groups, by State and Territories: 1890

Distribution of wage earners of the specified nativities by their principal occupations: 1890

Distribution of wage earners of the specified nativities by their principal occupations: 1890 (continued)

Occupations (continued)

Distribution of those engaged in certain selected occupations, by color and nationality: 1890


Industries [farms]

Industries [farms] (continued)

Industries [farms: crops]

Average size of farms: 1890

Value of farm products per acre: 1890

Yield of wheat pr square mile: 1890

Yield of indian corn per square mile: 1890

Industries [farms: crops] (continued)

Industries [farms: crops] (continued)

Yield of oats per square mile: 1890

Yield of rye per square mile: 1890

Yield of barley per square mile: 1890

Yield of all grains per acre of improved land: 1890

Yield of cotton per square mile: 1890

Industries [farms] (continued)


Production of hay per square mile: 1890

Location of areas irrigated in 1889

Manufactures: 1890, Value of product in dollars per head of population

Manufactures: 1890, Value of product in dollars per head of population

Manufactures: 1890, Value of product in dollars per head of population

Value of the products of manufactures


Production of coal per square mile: 1890

Navigable rivers and pricipal transporation routes on the sea coast and Great Lakes: 1890

Railroad system of the United States: 1890


Wealth and Debt

Real estate


True valuation of real and personal property per capita: 1890

True valuation of real estate and improvements threreon per capita: 1890

Taxation on real and personal property per capita: 1890

Debt; Indebtedness

Debt; Indebtedness (continued)

Debt; Mortgage rates; Interest rates

Real estate mortgage

Real estate mortgage (continued)

This is a must have collection for any map history buff!


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