63 Antique Maps Florida, West Indies, Cuba


SKU: cdat04


This CD contains 67 rare antique maps of Florida, Cuba and the West Indies in MrSid format. This format allows you to see the entire map or drill down for the smallest details. If you printed one of these maps at full size, it would be about 36″x36″ or larger (way more than can fit on a computer screen) so you can imagine how much detail they all have. (MrSID software is included on the CD.)

The table below shows the description and a small image of each map on this incredible history CD.

Map showing portion of the Caribbean Sea from Florida Keys to Nicaragua]. CREATED/PUBLISHED [17–?] NOTES Depths shown by soundings.

Central America. Cuba, Porto Rico, and Jamaica. J.N. Matthews Co. CREATED PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1916.

Plano de la bahía de Guantánamo en la ysla de Cuva, cuya boca se halla en latd. N. de 20 gros. y longd. de Tenerife 30l. gs. 27 ms. … / Havana y abril 7 de 1751. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1751] NOTES Scale ca. 1:120,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink. Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Depths shown by soundings.

Plano de la Baía de Guantánamo, en la ysla de Cuva, cuya boca se alla en latitud N. 20 gs. y en la longitd. de Thenerife 301 gs. 27 ms. / Havana y abril 7 de 1751 ad. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1751] NOTES Scale ca. 1:125,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings.

Plano del puerto de la Havana, situado en la parte del N. de la ysla de Cuba en la lattd. de 23010′ y en longd. astronómica de 293047′, meridiano de Tenerife … el año de 1783 por Dn. Josef de Sn. Martin, the. de Navio de la Rl. Armada … Copiado por Dn. Josef Boto Villa, Señor 2o piloto del No. de la Armada en este año de 1790. Boto Villa, Josef. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1790] NOTES Scale ca. 1:16,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and red and yellow watercolors. Watermark: Beehive. Depths shown by soundings. Oriented with north to the bottom.

Havana op ‘t Eyland Cvba. Vinckeboons, Joan. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1639?] NOTES Relief shown pictorially and by gradient tints. Shows aerial view of the port of Havana on the island of Cuba including buildings, ships, and fortifications. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. Attributed to Joan Vinckeboons by comparison with his other Dutch maps in Henry Harrisse collection.

Plano y explicación del Real Astillero de la Habana en la ysla de Cuba y de sus inmediaciones. CREATED/PUBLISHED [17–?] NOTES Oriented with north toward the lower left. Watermark: C. & I. Honig.

A Sketch of the harbour of St. Iago de Cuba. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1765?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:15,500. Title on verso: Plan & chart, St. Jago de Cuba, 81. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor, on tracing paper. Relief shown pictorially. Soundings shown in fathoms.

Caerte vande Bay St. Tiago : gelegen op ‘t Eylant Cvba, op de Hoochtv van 20 1/2 graedt; aen de Zuyd land van Cuba. Vinckeboons, Joan. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1639?] NOTES Relief shown pictorially and by gradient tints. Shows Santiago Bay and vicinity on the island of Cuba including pictorial presentation of the city of Santiago. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. Attributed to Joan Vinckeboons by comparison with his other Dutch maps in Henry Harrisse collection.

[Map of the complete island of Cuba]. Vinckeboons, Joan. OTHER TITLES Cuba CREATED/PUBLISHED [1639?] NOTES Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Shows coastal features, settlements on Cuba, and islands. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. Attributed to Joan Vinckeboons by comparison with his other Dutch maps in Henry Harrisse collection.

[Map of a part of the island of Cuba and of the Bahamas]. Vinckeboons, Joan. CREATED/PUBLISHED [ca. 1650] NOTES Relief shown pictorially. Pen-and-ink and watercolor.

A new chart of the seas surrounding the island of Cuba with the soundings, currents, ships, courses &c. and a map of the island itself lately made by an officer in the Navy. CREATED/PUBLISHED [London: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1762] NOTES Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings.

[Costa de Cuba desde Cabo de San Antonio a la bahía de Cardenas]. CREATED/PUBLISHED [ca. 1780] NOTES Scale ca. 1:270,000. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Watermarks: D. & C. Blauw; and, the letters DCB in a shield with a double letter. Mounted on cloth backing. Oriented with north to the bottom. Depths shown by soundings.

Cuba. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, D.C. : Central Intelligance Agency, 1994]

Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme desde el Rio de la Empalizada hasta Cavo de Clara. Por las latitudes y longitudes de Dn. Bartolome de Rosa. Echo por Balentin Cierto primer Piloto de la Real Armada, año de 1757. Cierto, Balentin. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1757] NOTES Scale ca. 1:3,300,000. Title on verso: Florida & Cuba, 140. Manuscript, pen-and-ink, on tracing paper. Soundings shown in fathoms. Prime meridian: Ferro. Shows Cuba, Bahama Islands, northern Yucatan Peninsula, and the coast of the United States from “Cape Clara” to the mouth of the Mississippi River.

Floridae Americae provinciae recens & exactissima descriptio auctorè Iacobo le Moyne cui cognomen de Morgues, qui Laudonierum, altera Gallorum in eam prouinciam nauigatione comitat est, atque adhibitis aliquot militibus ob pericula, regionis illius interiora & maritima diligentissimè lustrauit, & exactissimè dimensus est, obseruata etiam singulorum fluminum inter se distantia, ut ipsemet redux Carolo .IX. Galliarum regi, demonstrauit. Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques, d. 1588. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l. : s.n., 1591] NOTES Relief shown pictorially. Shows Florida region, northeastern coastline, Port Royal, Fort Caroline, Cuba, rivers, cities, and other geographical entities.

Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme desde el Cavo de la Agusa hasta la Barra de Palmas diga de la Trinidad: Con todas las yslas, bajos, arresifes & ca. Leho por las latitudes y longitudes de Dn. Bartolome de la Rosa. Echo por Balentin Cierto p[r]imer Piloto de la Real Armada, año de 1757. Cierto, Balentin. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1757] NOTES Scale ca. 1:3,500,000. Title on verso: Palmas to Carthagena, 206. Manuscript, pen-and-ink, on tracing paper. Prime meridian: Ferro. Depths shown by soundings. Insets: Plans de la Nueva Vera Cruz; con todos sus bajos, yslas, y sondas situado in los 19010′ de latd. Norte y en 27705′ de longt. segun el meridiano de Tenerife [ca. 1:110,000]–Plano del Alacran cituado en la sonda de Campeche por los 22030′ de latd. no. Leva[n]tado por el Capt. Dn. Felis Rodriguez. En termino de dos meses que estubo endho bajo examinado con todo cuydado [ca. 1:150,000]

To His Royal Highness. George Augustus Frederick. Prince of Wales &c. &c. &c. This chart of the West Indies, is humbly inscribed by His Royal Highness faithful & obedient servant Joseph Smith Speer. Thos. Bowen, sculpt. Speer, Joseph Smith. CREATED/PUBLISHED Westminster, 1774. NOTES Scale ca. 1:5,000,000. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Shows southern United States, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermudas, and northern South America.

To His Royal Highness. George Ausgustus Frederick. Prince of Wales &c. &c. &c. This chart of the West Indies, is humbly inscribed by His Royal Highness faithful & obedient servant Joseph Smith Speer. Speer, Joseph Smith. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Westminster? 1774?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:5,000,000. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Shows southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Bermudas, West Indies, and northern South America. European possessions shown by color.

A general chart of the West Indies. Speer, Joseph Smith. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, 1796.

Colton’s rail-road and military map of the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, &c. Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, 1862. NOTES Scale ca. 1:6,500,000. Relief shown by hachures. Shows slave holding states. Includes census information for 1860. Insets: Colton’s map of the Americas, Africa and a portion of Europe showing the Atlantic and part of the Pacific oceans.–New Orleans and delta of the Mississippi, Louisiana.–Mobile harbor, Alabama.–Key West and Tortugas, Florida reefs.–Wilmington and vicinity, N. Carolina.–Beaufort and vicinity, N. Carolina.–Norfolk, fortress Monroe, James River, Richmond, Petersburg &c &c.–Map of Charleston, Port Royal & Savannah vicinities.–Washington, Manassas Junction, Harpers Ferry, Baltimore, Annapolis &c &c.

Goff’s historical map of the United States. Civil War, Spanish-Am. War, war in the Philippines, invasion of China. Goff, Eugenia A. Wheeler (Eugenia Almira Wheeler) CREATED/PUBLISHED Philadelphia, McConnell School Supply Co., c1907. NOTES Scale ca. 1:2,040,000. Wall map of the South showing location and date of battles, some troop movements, towns, rivers, and state boundaries. Following insets relates to the Civil War: The Virginia and the Monitor in Hampton Roads, 1862. 15 x 14 cm.-Grant’s Vicksburg campaign, January to July 1863. 16 x 17 cm.-Lee’s first northern invasion, 1862. 16 x 18 cm.-Lee’s second northern invasion, 1863. 14 x 16 cm.-[Map of the coast of Texas showing the location and date of battles] 22 x 9 cm. Includes index to place names.

Goff’s historical map of the Spanish-American War in the West Indies, 1898. Goff, Eugenia A. Wheeler (Eugenia Almira Wheeler) CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1899. NOTES Insets: San Juan, island of Puerto Rico.–Havana, city and harbor.–Santiago campaign June-July 1898.

Peruuiae avriferæ regionis typus / Didaco Mendezio auctore. La Florida / auctore Hieron. Chiaues. Guastecan reg. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l. : s.n., 1584] NOTES Shows portion of Central America, northwestern South America, southern United States, and coast of Tamaulipas in Mexico. Relief shown pictorially. Appears in the author’s Theatrum orbis terrarum.

Carte de la Florida, de la Louisiane, et pays voisins : pour servir à l’Histoire générale des voyages / par M. B., ing. de la marine, 1757. Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Paris : J. F. La Harpe, 1780] NOTES Scale ca. 1:10,000,000. Relief shown pictorially.

A map of part of Alabama & Florida, showing the route of the proposed Columbus & Pensacola Rail Road, accompanying the report of Major J. D. Graham, U.S. Topographical Engr. Feb. 6th, 1836; drawn chiefly from the original surveys in the Gen. Land Office at Washington by Wm. R. Palmer, U.S. Asst. Civil Engr. Palmer, W. R. (William R.), d. 1862. CREATED/PUBLISHED [n.p., 1836] NOTES Scale ca. 1:800,000.

Military map no. 54, prepared as basis for additional surveys prepared under direction of Capt. P. C. Hains, U.S.A., Act. Chief, Engineer Dept. of the Gulf. Drawn for stone by Helmuth Holtz. Hains, Peter C. (Peter Conover), 1840-1921. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Printed by W. Pro[bert, 1864?] NOTES Scale 1:380,160. General map of southern Alabama and West Florida showing roads, railroads, towns, drainage, and a few names of residents along the Tensaw River.

Preliminary chart of main entrance to Charlotte Harbor, Florida From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulations by Lieuts. J. C. Clark & W. R. Terrill, U.S.A. Assts. Topography by F. W. Dorr, C. Fergunson & C. T. Jardella, Sub-Assts. Hydrography by the party of E. Cordell, Acting asst. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1863. NOTES Scale 1:40,000.

Preliminary chart of Escambia and Santa Maria de Galvaez [i.e., East] Bays, Florida From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation and topography by F. H. Gerdes, Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. T. S. Phelps. U.S.N. Assist. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1861. NOTES Scale 1:30,000. United States Coast Survey, no. 489.

[Map of Fernandina region, Florida] CREATED/PUBLISHED [186-?]

Sketch showing the positions of the beacons on the Florida reefs erected by Lieut. James Totten, U.S. Army, Assistant, U.S.C.S. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1861] NOTES Scale 1:400,000.

Preliminary edition of general chart of the coast no. X, Sraits of Florida from Key Biscayne to Marquesas Keys From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1862] NOTES Scale 1:400,000. From its Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1863 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864). Map 14.

Preliminary chart of western end of Florida Reefs including Tortugas Keys. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1864. NOTES Scale 1:200,000. From its Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1863 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864). Map 17.

Descripcion de la Bahia de Santa Maria de Galve, y Puerto de Sn. Miguel de Panzacola con toda la costa contigua y las demas bahias que tiene en ella, hasta el Rio de Apalache / observada, y reconozida por los ingenieros Dn. Jaime Lajonk, y Don Juan de Siscara. Lajonk, Jaime. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1700. NOTES Covers coast of western Florida Panhandle from Pensacola to Apalachicola. Depths shown by soundings.

[Map of the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico]. Vinckeboons, Joan. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1639?] NOTES Depths shown by soundings. Covers the Gulf Coast extending from St. Luis de Tampico to Arecifo showing coastal features, rivers, and streams.

Key West harbor and its approaches. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by J. E. Hilgard, Assistant. Topography by L. H. Adams, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. John Rodgers, U.S. Navy Assistant. Redd. drng. by E. K. Knorr. Engd. by E. Yeager, E. F. Woodward, and H. M. Knight. Published 1855. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1864. NOTES Scale 1:50,000. United States Coast Survey, no. 469. General chart of Key West and environs showing soundings, lights, channels, and island vegetation. Inset: Sub-sketch of Key West harbor. Scale 1:30,000. 19 x 17 cm.

Plano de la bahia de Pansacola. Copiado pr. el pilotin del No. Dn. Josef Magule bajo la correccion del Alférez de frag[a]ta Dn. Pedro Rivelles, mro. delineador por S. M. del Departam[en]to de Cadiz su original levantado el año de 82, por Dn. Antonio Donato Paredes. Paredes, Antonio Donato. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1782] NOTES Scale ca. 1:60,000.

A correct map of Pensacola Bay showing topography of the coast, Fort Pickens, U.S. Navy Yard, and all other fortifications from the latest Government surveys. J. Weiss lith. Weiss, Jacob. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philadelphia, Jacob Weiss, [186-] NOTES Scale ca. 1:62,000.

Sketch of Pensacola Navy Yard and Fort Pickens from U.S. coast surveys. By W. A. Williams, Civil Engineer. Williams, W. A. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, L. Prang & Co., [186-] NOTES Scale ca. 1:31,000. Indicates fortifications, half-mile distance circles centered on Fort Pickens, beacons, roads and streets, vegetation, and a few soundings.

A plan of Pensacola and its environs in its present state, from an actual survey in 1778. Purcell, Joseph. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1778] NOTES Scale ca. 1:4,000.

A plan of the land between Fort Mossy and St. Augustine in the province of East Florida. Sam Roworth, dept. survr. genl. Roworth, Sam. CREATED/PUBLISHED [176-?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:7,900.

[Plan of the town and harbour of St. Augustine. Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771. CREATED/PUBLISHED London? 1762?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:47,000. Title from typed label mounted with map. Oriented with north to the right. Relief shown pictorially. Depth shown by soundings. Ascribed to William Roberts’ An account of the first discovery and natural history of Florida, 1763 by typed label mounted with map. Differs from the map in Roberts’ work and from the map in Thomas Jefferys’ A description of the Spanish Islands … 1762 in that it is wanting cartouche and title information, pagination in margin, and a statement in lower margin “T. Jefferys, sculp.”

Plano de la ciudad y puerto de San Agustin de la Florida. López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás, 1731-1802. CREATED/PUBLISHED Madrid, 1783. NOTES Scale ca. 1:49,000.

Preliminary chart of St. Augustine harbor, Florida Triangulation by B. Huger, Jr., Sub-Assist. Topography by F. W. Dorr, Sub-Assist. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. A. Murray, U.S.N. Assist. Redd. drng. by F. Fairfax & S. B. Linton. Engd. by E. H. Sipe & J. G. Thompson. Lith. of Bowen & Co., Philada. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:30,000. From its Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1862 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864). Map 33

Bahia de Tampa Spain. Dericción de Hidrografía CREATED/PUBLISHED Madrid, Dericción de Hidrografía 1809 NOTES North oriented toward upper right corner.

A map with part of the Florida coast from Cape Blaise to Apalachie; with the boundaries betwixt East & West Floridas, 160 yards across the river call’d Apalachicola. Robt. Slowley of Hs. Ms. sloop Druid, fecit September the 4th, 1769. Slowley, Robert. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1769] NOTES Scale ca. 1:205,000.

Map of Florida. Vignoles, Charles Blacker, 1793-1875. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1823.

Map of the lands belonging to R.S. Hackley, esq., in east Florida / R.S. Hackley. Hackley, Richard S. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1823?] NOTES Cadastral map. Covers all of Florida between Micanopy in north and Key Biscayne Bay in south. At lower left is probable reference to 1823 Map of Florida by Charles Vignoles: Laid off, according to the original papers, upon the new map of Florida, and enlarged from that map. Signed at lower left: R.S. Hackley.

Seat of War. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1839.

The State of Florida. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough, 1804-1889. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1846.

Map of the State of Florida showing the progress of the surveys; from the annual report of the Surveyor General for 1856. Drew, Columbus. CREATED/PUBLISHED Jacksonville, 1856. NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,140,480.

Map of the State of Florida showing the progress of the surveys accompanying annual report of the Surveyor General for 1859. United States. General Land Office. CREATED/PUBLISHED N[ew] Y[ork], [1859] NOTES Scale 1:1,140,480.

Birds eye view of Florida and part of Georgia and Alabama Drawn from nature and lith. by John Bachmann. Bachmann, John. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, John Bachmann, c1861. NOTES Scale not given. At top of map: Panorama of the seat of war. “Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1861 by John Bachmann.” Tables of distances from Key West and Tallahassee appear in the lower margin. View of Florida and the environs showing towns, roads, railroads, forts, and rivers.

Northern part of Florida Drawn by H. Lindenkohl. Compiled and published at the United States Coast Survey Office, A. D. Bache, Superintendent. 1864. Lindenkohl, Henry. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], United States Coast Survey Office, 1864. NOTES Scale 1:633,600. General map of northern Florida and southern Georgia extending from Altamaha Sound, Georgia, to 290 North lattitude.

Drew’s new map of the state of Florida, showing the townships by the U.S. Surveys, the completed & projected railroads, the different railroad stations and growing railroad towns. The new towns on the rivers and interior, and the new counties, up to the year 1874. Drew, C[olumbus]. CREATED/PUBLISHED Jacksonville, [1874], c1873. NOTES Scale 1:1,140,480.

Maps showing the Florida Transit and Peninsula Rail Road and its connections. G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, 1882. NOTES Scale 1:1,140,000 and 1:3,800,000.

A new sectional map of Florida issued by the land department of the South Florida R. R. Co. and the Plant Investment Co. Elliott, D. H. CREATED/PUBLISHED Sanford, Fla., 1888. NOTES Scale 1:633,600.

“Standard guide” map of the state of Florida. Matthews-Northrup Company. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1891.

Map of the peninsula of Florida and adjacent islands : East Coast Line, the St. Augustine routes and connections. Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Indian River Railway.

The east coast of Florida is paradise regained. Beckwith, J. P. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1898. NOTES Florida East Coast Railway/Steamship line running from Jacksonville to Key West.

The Rand-McNally indexed county and township pocket map and shippers guide of Florida showing all railroads, cities, towns, villages, post offices, lakes, rivers, etc. Rand McNally and Company. CREATED/PUBLISHED Chicago, 1900. NOTES Scale 1:1,203,840.

St. Mary’s River and Fernandina harbor, Florida From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by Capt. J. H. Simpson and Lieutenant A. W. Evans, U.S.A. Assistants. Topography by A. M. Harrison, Assistant. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. S. D. Trenchard, U.S.N. Assist. 1857. Resurvey of bar by C. O. Boutelle, Asst. in 1862. Redd. drng. by P. Witzel. Engd. by A. Maedel and R. F. Bartle. Bowen & Co. lith., Philada. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey, 1862] NOTES Scale 1:20,000. From its Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, showing progress of the survey during the year 1862 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1864). Map 31.

Charts of Savannah River, Pensacola Bay, and Key West. Showing the positions of the several fortifications. From the United States Coast Survey From the United States Coast Survey. Smith, Jim (Jim C.) CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, c1861. NOTES Scale not given. [1] Savannah River from U.S. Coast Survey. Scale ca. 1:63,360. 18 x 26 cm. [2] [Pensacola Bay] Scale ca. 1:80,000. 18 x 23 cm. [3] Chart of Key West, Florida. Scale ca. 1:125,000.

Map of the cost [sic] of Georgia & Florida. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1863?] NOTES Scale 1:253,440; 1/4 in. to 1 mile. Manuscript; pen-and-ink and watercolor. Covers the coast between Savannah and St. Augustine. Shows swamps and marshes. From the papers of Joseph Roswell Hawley.

Carte générale du territoire d’Orléans comprenant aussi la Floride Occidentale et une portion du territoire du Mississipi / dresée d’après les observations les plus récentes par Bmi. Lafon, ingénieur géographe à la N[ouve]lle. Orléans. Lafon, Barthélémy, 1769-1820. CREATED/PUBLISHED Paris : Ch. Picquet, 1806. NOTES Relief shown by form lines. Depths shown by contours and soundings.

This is a must have collection for any map history buff!

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