60 Rare Civil War Maps of Maryland


SKU: cdcw05


This CD contains 60 rare antique maps and descriptive pages representing fascinating details about Maryland and its vicinity during the Civil War in MrSid format. This format allows you to see the entire map or drill down for the smallest details. If you printed one of these maps at full size, it would be about 36″x36″ or larger (way more than can fit on a computer screen) so you can imagine how much detail they all have. (MrSID software is included on the CD.)

The table below shows the description and a small image of each map on this incredible history CD.

Part of map of portions of the milit’y dept’s of Washington, Pennsylvania, Annapolis, and north eastern Virginia / compiled in the Bureau of Topographical Eng’rs, War Department &c. Washington, D.C. Oct. 6th, 1862 ; copied in Engr. Bureau C.S.A. Sept. 6th, 1864 [by] Wm. L. Sheppard, Dftsmn. ; forwarded to Lieut. Genl. J.A. Early Sept. 6th 1864. United States. Topographical Bureau. NOTES Relief shown by hachures. Shows Washington D.C. region, including western part of Maryland and northeastern Virginia. Does not show Pennsylvania with the exception of Gettysburg.

Birds’ eye view of the camp of the 67th Reg’t P.V. Annapolis, Md. : on the ground occupied by the troops of Washington & Lafayette / pub’d & designed by Edwin Rees. Rees, Edwin. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Philadelphia : Edwin Rees, [1863] (Philad[elphi]a : Lith’d by L. Rosenthal) NOTES “Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1863, by Edwin Rees, in … the Eastern Dis’t of Penn’a.” Includes list of military officers’ names.

Parole Camp Annapolis, M’d. E. Sachse & Co. CREATED/PUBLISHED Balt[im]o[re] : Lith. by E. Sachse & Co., [1864] NOTES Bird’s-eye view. “Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1864 by E. Sachse & Co. in … the District Court of Md.” Includes index to points of interest.

The field of Antietam. Wells, Jacob. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1886] NOTES Scale ca. 1:48,500. From Century illustrated monthly magazine, v. 32, June 1886. p. 290. Shows batteries, troop positions and movements, names of commanders, roads, street pattern of Sharpsburg, drainage, vegetation, relief by hachures, houses, names of residents, and fences. Chronology of events appears below the map.

The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. United States. National Park Service. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968. NOTES Scale not given. Shows the placement and movement of troops during 3 phases of the battle.

Northwest, or no. 1, sheet of preliminary map of Antietam (Sharpsburg) battlefield. Enlarged from the “Michler” map of the war records atlas with corrections and additions Antietam Battlefield Commission [sic] Maj. Geo. B. Davis. U.S.A., President, H. Heth, E. A. Carman, Expert Historian, [and] Jed. Hotchkiss, Expert Topographer. Antietam Battlefield Board. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, D.C., The Norris Peters Co., photo-litho., 1894. NOTES Scale ca. 1:10,400.

Southwest, or no. 2, sheet of preliminary map of Antietam (Sharpsburg) battlefield. Enlarged from “Michler” map of the war records atlas with corrections and additions Antietam Battlefield Commission [sic] Maj. Geo. B. Davis, U.S.A., President, H. Heth, E. A. Carman, Expert Historian, [and] Jed. Hotchkiss, Expert Topographer. Antietam Battlefield Board. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington D.C., The Norris Peters Co., photo-litho., 1895. NOTES Scale ca. 1:10,400.

Antietam battlefield. Preliminary map no. 3. Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 1828-1899. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, D.C., Jed. Hotchkiss, The Norris Peters Co., photo-litho. 1895 NOTES Scale ca. 1:5,040. Detailed map of the battlefield showing roads and lanes, fences, houses, names of residents, crops, woodland, and relief by hachures. Troop positions are not noted.

Antietam national battlefield site, Maryland Drawn by John J. Black, November 1948. United States. National Park Service. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], reprint 1959. NOTES Scale ca. 1:54,000. Map indicates the main battle lines and the tour route. Inset: Vicinity map. 5 x 6 cm. Illustrates a descriptive leaflet by the U.S. National Park Service entitled “Antietam national battlefield site, Maryland.”

Antietam Battlefield. United States. National Park Service. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1972. NOTES Scale ca. 1:24,000.

Antietam / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. United States. National Park Service. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington] : The Service, [1980] NOTES Scale ca. 1:31,680.

Map of Antietam National Cemetary at Sharpsburg, Maryland Designed by A. A. Biggs, M. D., President & Genl. Supt., Sharpsburg, 1866. Surveyed and drawn by Chas. P. Kahler, C. E., Baltimore. Kahler, Charles P. CREATED/PUBLISHED Balto., Lith. by A. Hoen & Co., 1867. NOTES Scale 1:600. 29 “references” are keyed by number to the map.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam, prepared by Lieut. Wm. H. Willcox, Top. Off. & A.A.D.C. on Brig. Genl. Doubleday’s staff. [Sept. 17, 1862]. Willcox, William H. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philada., Lith. of P. S. Duval & Son, [1862] NOTES Scale ca. 1:13,300. Handwritten inscription in the upper right-hand corner reads “Lieut Crawford with compts of Lt. Wm. H. Willcox.” Shows roads and streets, houses, fences, vegetation, drainage, hachures, and troop positions. Inset: [Map of the environs of Sharpsburg] 12 x 10 cm.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam, [Sept. 17, 1862] [prepared by Lieut. Wm. H. Willcox, Top. Off. & A.A.D.C. on Brig. Genl. Doubleday’s staff,] 3d edition. Willcox, William H. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Philada., Lith. of P. S. Duval & Son, 1862] NOTES [Scale ca. 1:13,300]. Inscribed in longhand as follows: Obtained from Washington & presented to Gen. R. E. Lee by J. E. B. Stuart.

Battle of the Antietam fought September 16 & 17, 1862 Reconnoissance of the ground occupied by the 1st Army Corps commanded by Maj. Gen. Hooker. Made under the direction of Maj. D. C. Houston, Chf. Engr., by Lieut. W. A. Roebling and W. S. Long, C.E. Roebling, Washington A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1862] NOTES Scale 1:10,560. Pen and ink manuscript drawn on tracing cloth, showing “line of Hooker’s advance,” roads, houses and names of occupants, fences, vegetation, drainage, and relief by hachures. Troop positions are not given.

Antietam Sharpsburg and vicinity. Constructed and engraved to illustrate “The war with the South” [Compiled by Charles Sholl] Engd. by Rae Smith. Sholl, Charles CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, c1864. NOTES Scale ca. 1:26,700. Caption in lower margin: A topographical map of the battle field at Antietam from an actual survey by an engineer officer on General Doubleday’s staff.

Antietam. Prepared by Bvt. Brig. Genl. N. Michler, Major of Engineers, from surveys under his direction, by order of Brig. Genl. & Bvt. Maj. Genl. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, and under the authority of the hon. Secretary of War. Surveyed & drawn by Maj: J. E. Weyss, assisted by F. Theilkuhl, J. Strasser & G. Thompson. Michler, N. (Nathaniel), 1827-1881. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Photo-lith. by the N.Y. Lithographing, Engraving & Printing Co., Julius Bien, Supt., 1867. NOTES Scale 1:21,120. “General direction of Confederate line of battle, Sept. 16th 1862” and “(General direction of) Confederate line of battle, Sept. 17th 1862 (evening)” are hand-colored in red. Union troop positions are not indicated. Detailed map of the environs of Sharpsburg showing roads, the “Washington Co. R.R.,” fences, houses, names of residents, vegetation, drainage, villages, the “Burnside Bridge,” “Bloody Lane,” “Dunker’s Chapel,” “National Cemetery,” and relief by hachures.

Antietam. Enlarged and corrected from map of Gen. Michler, U.S. Eng., by Oliver C. Gould, Portland, Maine. Gould, Oliver C. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 189-?] NOTES Scale not given. “No. 1 = Confeds. opposing 10 Me. & 128 P.V., 7:30 to 8:00 A.M. No. 2 & 3 = Confeds. marching behind no. 1.”

Map of the battlefield of Antietam. No. 1. This map shows the position of the Union and Confederate forces on the morning of Sept. 17th, 1862, prior to the battle of Antietam which opened at daybreak Drawn under the direction of Antietam Board, Col. John C. Stearns, Gen. H. Heth. Theo. Friebus, Jr. Antietam Battlefield Board. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, D.C., Norris Peters Co., photo-litho., 1893. NOTES Scale 1:14,080. Confederate forces are shown in red and Union forces in blue. Headquarters of McClellan and Lee are clearly indicated. Legend lists the names of the corps, division, and brigade commanders. Brigades are keyed by number of positions on the map. Shows roads, railroad, houses, fences, names of residents, “Burnside Bridge,” “Bloody Lane,” “Dunker’s Chapel,” “National Cemetery,” towns, vegetation, drainage, fords, and relief by hachures.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam. This map shows the position of each of the forty-two different commands of the regular army engaged in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. Battery “G”, 2d U.S. Artillery, Lt. J. H. Butler, commanding, was not engaged in the battle, being attached to Gen’l. Couch’s Division, near Harper’s Ferry Drawn under the direction of Antietam Board, Col. John C. Stearns, Gen. H. Heth. Theo. Friebus Jr. Antietam Battlefield Board. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington D.C., Norris Peters Co., photo-litho., 1893. NOTES Scale 1:14,080. Legend lists Union commands and the names of the commanders. Each unit is keyed by number to a position on the map. Confederate positions are not indicated. Shows roads, railroad, houses, fences, names of residents, “Burnside Bridge,” “Bloody Lane,” “Dunker’s Chapel,” “National Cemetery,” towns, vegetation, drainage, fords, and relief by hachures.

(No. 2) Map of the battlefield of Antietam Drawn under the direction of Antietam Board, Col. John C. Stearns [and] Gen. H. Heth. Antietam Battlefield Board. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, D.C. The Norris Peters Co., photo-litho. 1894. NOTES Scale 1:14,908. Map of the battlefield showing roads and lanes, houses and names of residents, fences, drainage, woodland, and relief by hachures. Troop positions are not indicated.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam Published under the direction of Daniel S. Lamont and Russell A. Alger, Secretaries of War, by the Antietam Battlefield Board, Major Geo. W. Davis, U.S.A. President, General E. A. Carman, late Union army, [and] General H. Heth, late Confederate army. Surveyed and drawn by Col. E. B. Cope, Engineer [and] H. W. Mattern, Ass’t Engineer, Gettysburg National Park. Antietam Battlefield Board. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.] Antietam Battlefield Board 1898. NOTES Scale ca. 1:10,560. “Note: Figures in black and crosses, thus (+) marked along roadsides indicate numbers of tablets. For legends on tablets showing positions of troops and their movements, see final report of the Antietam Battlefield Board to the Secretary of War, dated 1898.” Detailed map of the battlefield showing roads, lanes, fences, houses, names of residents, woodland, and relief by contour lines at intervals of 10 feet. Troop positions are not noted.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 19–?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:5280 (about 12 inches equals 1 mile, not “10 in. = 1 mile”). Very detailed anonymous and undated map of the battlefield indicating roads and lanes, drainage, houses, names of residents, grass fields, stubble, corn fields, plowed fields, rock outcrops, rail, post and rail, stone, and pailing fences, “fence[s], kind unknown,” hay stacks, and woodland. Relief is depicted by contour lines at intervals of 10 feet. Troop positions are not noted.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam with the locations of monuments erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th regiments of infantry, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps Prepared for Antietam Battlefield Commission of Pennsylvania. Reduced and drawn by S. A. Hammond, Ass’t. Eng. Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1908?] NOTES Scale 1:18,000. Detailed map indicating roads, drainage, fence lines, houses, names of residents, woodland, and relief by contour lines. Inset: Mansfield Avenue enlarged to show positions of Pennsylvania Reserve monuments. 7 x 25 cm.

Map of the battlefield of Antietam with the locations of monuments erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Prepared for the Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission. Reduced and drawn by S. A. Hammond, Asst. Eng. Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission. CREATED/PUBLISHED N.Y., Julius Bien & Co., lith., 1908? NOTES Scale 1:18,000. Detailed map indicating roads, drainage, fence lines, houses, names of residents, woodland, and relief by contour lines. Battlefield monuments are located by red squares.

Antietam Battlefield : new 1972 / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. United States. National Park Service. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington] : The Service, [1978] NOTES Scale ca. 1:23,500.

Military map, Baltimore Co., Md. Compiled from the best authorities and corrected by actual survey under the direction of Col. W. F. Raynolds A.D.C., Chief Eng. 8th Army Corps. Drawn and lithographed in the office of the Chief Eng., 8th Army Corps, by Geo. Kaiser, Pvt. 10th N.Y. Vols. Kaiser, George. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1863. NOTES Scale 1:63,360. Detailed map indicating forts, camps, military hospitals, roads, toll gates, railroads, towns, mills, houses and names of residents. The names of a few towns are underscored in red or blue.

Map of Carroll County, Md. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1863 by W. O. Shearer in the clerk’s office of the district court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania. Shearer, W. O. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Philadelphia?], c1863. NOTES Scale 1:31,600. “Made for military purposes only.” Relatively crude hand-colored lithographic map showing roads and railroads, towns and villages, houses and names of residents, rivers, and district boundaries. The map includes fewer personal names than shown on “Martenet’s map of Carroll County, Maryland” (Baltimore, Simon J. Martenet, 1862). Military information is not depicted.

Chesapeake Bay from its head to Potamac River From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of F. R. Hassler and A. D. Bache, Superintendents of the survey of the coast of the United States. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S. Coast Survey] 1861-1862. NOTES Scale 1:80,000. At head of title: Coast charts nos. 31, 32, 33. Overall title cited above appears on coast chart no. 32 (map 18). Coast chart no. 31. Chesapeake Bay from head of Bay to Magothy River. . . Triangulation by J. Ferguson, T. W. Werner, J. E. Johnstone, Capt. Topographical Engineers, U.S.A. Assistants. Topography by T. W. Werner, J. J. S. Hassler, R. D. Cutts, G. D. Wise, Assts., J. C. Neilson, Sub-Asst., J. B. Gluck & H. L. Whiting, Assts. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieuts. Comdg. G. M. Bache, S. P. Lee, W. P. McArthur, C. H. McBlair & R. Wainwright, U.S.N. Assts. Published in 1861. (“No. 17” in upper left corner). No. 32. From Magothy River to Choptank River. Triangulation by J. Ferguson, F. H. Gerdes, J. E. Johnstone, Capt. Topl. Engrs., E. Blunt, J. E. Hilgard, Assts. and A. D. Bache, Supdt. Topography by H. L. Whiting, F. H. Gerdes, Assts., J. C. Neilson, Sub-Asst., J. J. S. Hassler, R. D. Cutts & G. D. Wise, Assts. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieut Comdg. G. M. Bache, S. P. Lee & W. P. McArthur, U.S.N. Assts. Published in 1862. (“No. 18” in upper left corner). Coast chart no. 33. Chesapeake Bay from Choptank River to Potamac River . . . Triangulation by E. Blunt, J. E. Hilgard, J. S. Williams and R. D. Cutts, Assistants. Topography by J. J. S. Hassler, G. D. Wise, R. D. Cutts, Assts. J. Seib & S. A. Wainwright, Sub-Assts. & H. L. Whiting, Asst. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieuts Comdg. W. P. McArthur, S. P. Lee and J. J. Almy, U.S.N. Assistants. Published in 1862 (“No. 19” in upper left corner).

Chesapeak Bay. Sheet 6, from the mouth of York River to the entrance to bay. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by E. Blunt & J. Farley, Assistants. Topography by J. J. S. Hassler, G. D. Wise, J. Seib, Assts. & J. Mechan, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. J. J. Almy, U.S.N. Assistant. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S U.S. Coast Survey] 1863. NOTES Scale 1:80,000.

Chesapeake Bay, Sheet no. 1, York River, Hampton Roads, Chesapeake entrance.. From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by E. Blunt & J. Farley, Assistants. Topography by J. J. S. Hassler, G. D. Wise, J. Seib, Assts. & J. Mechan, Sub-Asst. Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. J. J. Almy, U.S.N. Assistant. Redd. drng. by W. M. C. Fairfax, A. Strausz & L. D. Williams. Engd. by J. Knight, A. Sengteller, H. S. Barnard & J. C. Kondrup. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S. Coast Survey] 1863. NOTES Scale 1:80,000. General chart indicating soundings, lighthouses, buoys, and coastal vegetation. Includes sailing directions.

Map and directory of Camp Patterson Park [Baltimore, Maryland] One Hundred and Tenth Regiment of New York Volunteers. Col. D. C. Littlejohn, commanding By. J. B. Butler, engineer and surveyor. Printed by F. Bourquin & Co., Philadelphia. September 27, 1862. Butler, J. B. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Philadelphia F. Bourquin & Co.], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:360. Detailed map indicating position of tents, principal buildings, wagon roads, and “earthwork intrenchments of the War of 1812.” Tents are keyed by number to a list of occupants printed at the sides and bottom of the map. Includes portraits of nine officers of the regiment.

Point Lookout, Md. View of Hammond Genl. Hospital & U.S. genl. depot for prisoners of war Lith. by E. Sachse & Co., Baltimore. Everett, George, publisher. CREATED/PUBLISHED Point Lookout 1864. NOTES Scale not given. Sixty-three sites are listed in the margin and keyed by number to the appropriate position in the view. Inset: Headquarters of the general commanding St. Mary’s District. View. 17 x 13 cm.

Pocket map showing the probable theatre of the war Compiled by G. A. Aschbach, C.E. Allentown, Pa. Aschbach, G. A. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philadelphia M. H. Traubel (c)1861. NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,700,000. Map of Maryland, Delaware, and parts of Pennsylvania and Virginia, showing “camps & forts” underlined in red, “prominent places” underlined in blue, roads, railroads, drainage, towns, and boundaries. Insets: [Street pattern of the city of Baltimore] 9 x 12 cm.-[Map of the city and county of Washington, and the county of Alexandria] 13 x 13 cm. Contains a list of 12 buildings keyed by number to the map.

Birds eye view of Maryland and Virginia. S. N. Gaston and Company. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], S. N. Gaston & Co., c1861. NOTES Not drawn to scale. Panoramic map looking south from southern Pennsylvania showing relief, rivers, place names, and railroads.

Upper Potomac from McCoy’s Ferry to Conrad’s Ferry and adjacent portions of Maryland and Virginia compiled from county maps and maps prepared by Col. J. N. Macomb, A.D.C. Lt. Col. Engrs with additions and corrections by Lt. Col. D. H. Strother, A.D.C. Engineer Department, 1863. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1863. NOTES Scale ca. 1:130,000. Map, without border, extends from Frederick, Maryland, west to Winchester, Virginia, and Hagerstown, Maryland, south to Front Royal, Virginia. Depicted are roads, railroads, canals, drainage, houses, cities and towns, and relief by hachures. In some areas, countryside is described by terms such as “hilly & wooded country,” “open country,” etc.

Upper Potomac from McCoy’s Ferry to Conrad’s Ferry and adjacent portions of Maryland and Virginia. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1864. NOTES Scale ca. 1:130,000.

Portion of the Military department of Washington embraching lower counties of Maryland. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, D.C.], Engineer Bureau, War Dep., 1865. NOTES Scale 1:200,000. General map extending from Washington, D.C., south to Point Lookout, Maryland.

Map of the vicinity of Hagerstown, Funkstown, Williamsport, and Falling Waters, Maryland Accompanying the report of Major General G. G. Meade, on the battle of Gettysburg, dated October 1st 1863. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Published by authority of the Hon. the Secretary of War. Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1879. NOTES Scale ca. 1:21,500. “United States forces are shown in blue [and] Confederate forces are shown in red.” Indicates houses, names of residents, stone fences, roads, vegetation, drainage, and relief by hachures.

Map of the Maryland Campaign, Sept. 3rd to 29th 1862 George Allen & Co., Ltd., London. Sheppard, Eric W. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, E. W. Sheppard, [1911] NOTES Scale ca. 1:193,000. Annotated in different colors to show the routes between Sept. 4th and 14th of the “9th Corps, Reno,”1st Corps, Hooker,” “12th Corps, Williams,” “2nd Corps, Sumner,” “6th Corps, Franklin,” “Couch’s Division,” and “Sykes Division.”

Map of portions of Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, centering on Harpers Ferry and including Winchester, Hancock, Emmitsburg, and Ridgeville, Maryland.] / Engineer Office, A.N.V. ; drawn by Chas. G. Nauck, Ass’t Eng. Nauck, Chas. G. CREATED/PUBLISHED [186-] NOTES Shows roads in red, and railroads, place names, etc. in black. Relief shown by hachures.

Map of portions of Virginia and Maryland, extending from Baltimore to Strasburg, and from Washington to Gettysburg, with concentric circles at 5-mile intervals centering on Washington and on Baltimore]. CREATED/PUBLISHED [186-] NOTES Relief shown by hachures.

Map of Virginia, Maryland &c., seat of war, compiled from the latest maps, 1861 sold by George L. Bidgood, Richmond, Va. and Tucker & Perkins, Augusta, Ga. Hoyer & Ludwig, lithographic establisht., Richmond, Va. Paterson, J. T. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], J. T. Paterson, [1861] NOTES Scale ca. 1:760,000. General map. Confederate imprint. Pencil note in the lower margin reads “This map was advertised in the Augusta, Ga. Daily Chronicle, Oct. 27, 1861.” Includes “Table of distances.”

Pocket war map of Virginia, with portraits of Scott & his generals. Also views and plans of the principal places of note connected with the war Lith by J. H. Bufford. Bufford, John Henry, 1810-1870. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, J. H. Bufford, c1861. NOTES Scale not given. Decorative border includes portraits of Scott, Harney, McClellan, Sprague, Fremont, Butler, Banks, Dix, Lyon, McDowell, Mansfield, and Wool. Insets: Cairo. 4 x 6 cm.-Charleston. 4 x 6 cm.-Washington. 5 x 6 cm.-The Vermont regiment at Newport News. [view] 3 x 4 cm.-Fortress Monroe. [view] 2 x 9 cm.-Baltimore. 4 x 6 cm.-New Orleans. 4 x 6 cm.-Richmond. 6 x 6 cm.-Savannah. 3 x 6 cm.-[Fortress] Monroe. 6 x 6 cm.

Map showing the war operations, in Virginia & Maryland. Bufford, John Henry, 1810-1870. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, J. H. Bufford, c1861. NOTES Scale not given. Indicates railroads, principal towns, and a few batteries.

Map of the seat of war : [Virginia and Maryland] / compiled & drawn by M.B. Grant, C.E. ; lithographed by R.H. Howell. Grant, M. B. CREATED/PUBLISHED Savannah, Ga. : T.A. Burke, Morning New Office, [1861?] NOTES General map. Place names in Maryland north of Baltimore and Frederick, and south of Washington, D.C. (with the exception of Fort Washington), are not given. Few place names in Virginia south of Richmond and Lynchburg (with the exception of Norfolk and the Virginia Peninsula) are given.

Map of the state of Virginia : containing the counties, principal towns, railroads, rivers, canals & all other internal improvements. West & Johnston. CREATED/PUBLISHED Richmond : West & Johnston, 1862. NOTES Relief shown by hachures. Also covers Maryland (without relief). Military features not shown. Confederate imprint.

Lloyd’s official map of the State of Virginia from actual surveys by order of the Executive, 1828 & 1859 Corrected and revised by J. T. Lloyd to 1862, from surveys made by Capt. W. Angelo Powell, of the U.S. Topographical Engineers. Lloyd, James T. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, J. T. Lloyd, [1863] NOTES Scale ca. 1:650,000.

Map of eastern Virginia / compiled from the best authorities and printed at the Coast Survey Office, A. D. Bache, supdt. ; compiled by W. L. Nicholson ; lith. by Chas. G. Krebs. Nicholson, W. L. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington] : The Office, 1863. NOTES Scale ca. 1:875,000. Relief shown by hachures. Also covers Maryland, and southeastern Pennsylvania. Shows radial distances from Richmond and Washington, D.C.

Map of the State of Virginia compiled from the best authorities at the Coast Survey Office. A. D. Bache, Supdt. July 1863. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson. Lith by Chas. G. Krebs. Nicholson, W. L. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1863. NOTES Scale ca. 1:887,040. General map of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and southern Pennsylvania showing cities and towns, roads, rivers, and relief by hachures. The map is overprinted in red to indicate railroads, the state name “West Virginia,” and concentric circles centered on Richmond. Circles are at intervals of ten miles. A table of “Distances by Rail Roads” appears below the map title.

New map of the seat of war in Virginia and Maryland Drawn by J. G. Bruff. Lith of Lang & Cooper, New York. Bruff, Joseph G. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York and Washington, D.C., J. Disturnell and W. H. and O. H. Morrison, 1863. NOTES Scale ca. 1:360,000. Map of eastern Virginia and Maryland showing the location and date of battles, forts, roads, railroads, towns, drainage, and relief by hachures.

New map of the seat of war in Virginia and Maryland Drawn by J. G. Bruff. Lith of Lang & Cooper, New York. Bruff, Joseph G. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York and Washington, D.C., J. Disturnell and W. H. and O. H. Morrison, 1863. NOTES [Scale ca. 1:360,000]. Another issue. This issue contains the following additions: a) Washington is described as being “Surrounded by forts, batteries, and redoubts.” b) Fredericksburg is labeled “H. 2 Rebel forces, Dec. 1862.” c) “Explanation” contains the statement that “Washington City is the centre of the circles of measurement, 10 miles apart” d) Town and country names have been added.

Map of the State of Virginia compiled from the best authorities, and printed at the Coast Survey Office. A. D. Bache, Supdt. May 1864. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson. Nicholson, W. L. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Lith. by Chas. G. Krebs., 1864. NOTES Scale ca. 1:887,040. General map of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and southern Pennsylvania showing cities and towns, roads, rivers, and relief by hachures. The map is overprinted in red to indicate railroads, the state name “West Virginia,” and concentric circles centered on Washington, D.C. A table of “Distances by Railroads” appears below the map title.

Bacon’s new map of the seat of war in Virginia and Maryland. Showing the interesting localities around Richmond, Washington, Baltimore &c. Bacon & Co. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, Bacon & Co., 1864. NOTES Scale ca. 1:804,000. At top of map: Bacon’s new shilling war map. Bacon’s seat of war in Virginia designating minutely over 3,000 names of towns, streams &c., around Richmond and Washington. The most elaborate ever issued. London, Bacon & Co.

Map of eastern Virginia compiled from the best authorities and printed at the Coast Survey Office, A. D. Bache, Supdt. 1864. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson. Nicholson, W. L. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Lith. by Chas. G. Krebs., 1864. NOTES Scale ca. 1:887,040. General map of eastern Virginia showing cities and towns, roads, rivers, and relief by hachures. The map is overprinted in red to indicate railroads and concentric circles centered on Richmond and in blue to show concentratric circles centered on Washington, D.C.

Map of the State of Virginia compiled from the best authorities, and printed at the Coast Survey Office. A. D. Bache, Supdt. 1865. Compiled by W. L. Nicholson. Lith. by Chas. G. Krebs. Nicholson, W. L. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1865. NOTES Scale ca. 1:887,040. General map of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and southern Pennsylvania showing cities and towns, roads, rivers, and relief by hachures. The map is overprinted in red to indicate railroads, the state name “West Virginia,” and concentric circles centered on Richmond. Printed in blue are concentric circles centered on Washington, D.C. A table of “Distances by Railroads” appears below the map title.

Battle-field map showing field of operations of the Armies of the Potomac and James Compiled from latest government surveys and published by J. C. & C. G. Van Hook. A. B. Graham, photo-lith., Washington, D. C. Van Hook, J. C. CREATED/PUBLISHED Washington, 1892 NOTES Scale ca. 1:508,500. Map of Virginia and Maryland showing engagements, railroads, rivers and streams, place names, and relief by hachures. “Dates and locations of principal engagements as shown on this map” are listed in the lower left corner.

Map of Virginia and neighboring states showing the location of battles in the Civil War 1861-1865. Northrup, William P. CREATED/PUBLISHED Buffalo, N.Y., The Matthews-Northrup Works, c1912. NOTES Scale ca. 1:366,000. Map of eastern Virginia and parts of North Carolina, Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, showing “battles in which New York regiments were engaged,” “railroads at time of war,” and “turnpikes and plank roads.” Union states are colored yellow, and Confederate states are green.

ton, Praed’s new map of Virginia and Maryland to illustrate the campaigns of 1861 to 1864. Sifton, Praed & Company, Ltd. CREATED/PUBLISHED London, Sifton, Praed & Co., Ltd., “The Map House”, 1912. NOTES Scale 1:633,600. General map with place names associated with the war indicated. Troop positions are not indicated.

Map to illustrate the report of Brigadier-General Hill Richardson, sc. Richardson, James H. CREATED/PUBLISHED N.Y., [1861] NOTES Scale not given. Map of part of West Virginia and western Maryland from Romney west to Grafton, showing the battle of Corricks Ford on July 14th, routes used by Union and Confederate columns, location of bridges burned by Confederates on July 12, 14, and 15, and the “point where pursuit was abandoned by orders of Major-General McClellan.”

This is a must have collection for any map history buff!

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