Genl. Sherman’s campaign war map. Bufford, John Henry, 1810-1870. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, [1864] NOTES Scale ca. 1:670,000. “The horizontal and upright lines [of the map grid] represent five miles square. By referring [sic] to the number on the left and to the letter on the base, any point may be found to show the locality of the Union armies.” |
Southern Georgia and part of South Carolina / U.S. Coast Survey, A.D. Bache, supdt. ; drawn by A. Lindenkohl ; Chas. G. Krebs, lith. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, D.C.] : The Survey, 1865. NOTES Relief shown by hachures. Includes list of authorities. |
Northern Georgia and western and central South Carolina] Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. H. Lindenkohl & Chas. G. Krebs, lith. Lindenkohl, A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], U.S. Coast Survey, A. D. Bache, Supdt., 1865 NOTES Scale 1:633,600. General map, without title, extending from Charleston west to the western boundary of Georgia. State names, boundaries, and railroads are overprinted in red. |
Middle Georgia & South Carolina / U.S. Coast Survey, A. D. Bache, supt. ; drawn by A. Lindenkohl ; Chas. G. Krebs, lith. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington] : The Survey, [1865?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:633,600; 1 in. = 10 miles. Relief shown by hachures. |
J. H. Colton’s topographical map of North and South Carolina. A large portion of Georgia & part of adjoining states. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1861 by J.H. Colton. Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York Printed by Lang & Laing 1861. NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,550,000. Indicates forts, towns, roads, railroads, county names and boundaries, geographic coordinates, and rivers. Drawings of ships offshore denote naval blockade. Insets: Beaufort and vicinity, N. Carolina. 8 x 9 cm.-Wilmington and vicinity, N. Carolina. 13 x 9 cm.-Charleston Harbor and its approaches, S. Carolina. 14 x 15 cm.-Plan of Ft. Sumter. 4 x 4 cm.-Savannah and vicinity. 10 x 15 cm. |
North Carolina & South Carolina Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. Chas. G. Krebs, lith. Lindenkohl, A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], U.S. Coast Survey, A. D. Bache, Supdt., 1865. NOTES Scale 1:633,600. General map. “Authorities” used in making the map are listed below the title. State names, boundaries, and railroads are overprinted in red. |
Coast line from Charleston to Savannah. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1862?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:430,000. |
Copy of the plot of the city of Beaufort, South Carolina / drawn by B. Schelten, expressily [sic] for Dr. Clymer, surg. U.S. Schelten, B. CREATED/PUBLISHED [186-] NOTES Scale not given. Relief shown by hachures. Includes index of military hospitals and col. ill. of “Chief Office.” |
Broad River and its tributaries, S.C. From a reconnaissance made, under direction of Rear Admiral J. A. Dahlgren, Commd’g S.A.B. Squadron, by R. Platt, Act. Master, U.S.N. und [sic] E. Willenbucher, U.S.C.S. 1864. Drawn by Eugene Willenbucher. Bowen & Co., lith., Philada. Willenburger, Eugene. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1865] NOTES Scale ca. 1:230,000. |
Map of Charleston Harbor showing defenses. 186-] Section from Atlas accompanying war records U.S.A. by courtesy of Julius Bien & Co. Peter Adams Company. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 18–?] NOTES Scale not given. |
Map of Charleston Harbor, S.C. Bowen & Co. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philada., Bowen & Co’s lith., [18–?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:15,800. Red curves are marked 6, 12, 18, and 24 feet to show depths at mean low water. The area always covered with water is blue, the surface between high and low water marks is indicated by wavy lines and colored with bistre. Shows drainage, vegetation, cultivated areas, roads, and houses. The forts are circumscribed by 9-inch circles, which show the range of their guns, with the exception of Fort Sumter, where the range is different and is indicated by three radii. |
Preliminary chart of Charleston Harbor and its approaches. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], Published in 1858. Additions in 1862. NOTES Inscribed in ink: Transferred from Office of Chf. Engr., Defenses of Washington, to Engr. Dept., Jany. 1866. DLC Shows fortifications, towns, soundings, roads and streets, vegetation, and drainage. Includes “view of main ship channel” and “view off north channel.” |
Sketch of Charleston Harbor By W. A. Williams, Civil Engineer. Williams, W. A. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, L. Prang & Co., [186-?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:70,000. Shows fortifications, street pattern of Charleston, vegetation, and a few soundings. Insets: Castle Pinckney. 7 x 5 cm-Fort Sumpter [sic]. 7 x 6 cm-Fort Moultrie. 5 x 6 cm. |
Part of Charleston Harbor, embracing forts Moultrie, Sumter, Johnson, and Castle Pinckney, also Sullivan, James & Morris islands; and showing the position of the Star of the West, when fired into from Morris Island. Perry, George T. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philadela., Lith. P.S. Duval & Son, c1861. NOTES Scale ca. 1:31,000. Shows the channel, drainage, vegetation, roads, plan of the city, and forts. A portrait of Major Anderson, commander of Fort Sumter, is in the upper right corner. Below the neat line is a view of the harbor and city from Fort Johnson to Mt. Pleasant. |
Plan of Charleston Harbor, and its fortifications compiled by Elliot & Ames from government surveys. Elliot & Ames. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, C. D. Andrews’ lith., 1861. NOTES Scale 1:31,680. Shows channel, low water mark and soundings, drainage, roads, railroads, some dwellings, a plan of the city, and forts. |
Charleston Harbor and its approaches showing the positions of the Rebel batteries. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED N.Y., Lith. of J. Bien, [1863] NOTES Scale 1:30,000. Another issue. Shows roads, railroads, houses, vegetation, a street plan of Charleston, drainage, soundings, and shoals. Overprinted to show 1/4-mile concentric circles centered on St. Michaels, Charleston; positions occupied by the Union Army and Navy; “Rebel batteries in possession of National forces [and] batteries still held by the Rebels [on] Sept. 7th 1863.” Union positions are based “on the authority of Maj. T. B. Brooks . . .” |
Charleston Harbor and its approaches showing the positions of the Rebel batteries. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l, 1863] NOTES [Scale 1:30,000]. Another issue. Shows roads, railroads, houses, vegetation, a street plan of Charleston, drainage, soundings, and shoals. Overprinted to show positions occupied by the Union Army and Navy, and “Rebel batteries in possession [of] National forces [and] batteries still held by the Rebels [on] Sept. 7, 1863.” |
Charleston Harbor and its approaches showing the positions of the Rebel batteries. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED N.Y., J. Bien, lith., [1863] NOTES Scale ca. 1:30,000. Another issue. Shows roads, railroads, houses, vegetation, a street plan of Charleston, drainage, soundings, and shoals. Enlarged issue covering all of James Island and indicating 1/2-mile concentric circles centered on St. Michaels, Charleston, “first [and] second line[s] of Rebel defences,” positions occupied by the Union Army and Navy, and “Rebel batteries in possession [of] National forces [and] batteries still held by the Rebels [on] Sept. 7th 1863.” |
New map of Charleston Harbor, showing the scene of the great naval contest between the iron clad monitors and the Rebel batteries, also the lines of fire, forts, obstructions, inlets, princl. plantations, & e.t.c. Tomlinson, G. W. (George W.) CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, Lith. by J. Mayer & Co., c1863. NOTES Scale not given. Shows the coast from Long Island to the North Edisto River. Indicates drainage, roads, railroads, and dwellings with names of inhabitants. Channels, water depths, forts and batteries, with lines of fire, are given. The following title appears in the lower right corner: Tomlinson’s map of Charleston Harbor, S.C., and vicinity, showing the fortifications and batteries, together with a full description of the harbor, forts, obstructions, bombardment & et.c. Drawings of the Ericsson “Devil” and the iron clad “Keokuk,” and plans of Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie, and Castle Pinckney are in the lower right corner. A column of text entitled “Description of the harbor, forts, &c.” is in the right margin. |
Charleston Harbor and its approaches showing the positions of the Rebel batteries. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1863. NOTES Scale 1:30,000. Shows roads, railroads, houses, vegetation, a street plan of Charleston, drainage, soundings, and shoals. |
Resurvey of Charleston Bar by W. S. Edwards, Asst. and F. P. Webber, Sub-Asst., under the direction of C. O. Boutelle, Assistant, 1864. Redd. Drng. by J. J. Ricketts & A. Boschke. Engd. by F. Dankworth, J. Knight, E. Yeager & G. McCoy. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1864] NOTES Scale 1:30,000. “No. 15” is in the upper left corner. |
Charleston Harbor and city defences Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1864 by D. N. Dobelmann & G. Huck. Dobelmann, D. N. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], T. B. Usser, 1864. NOTES Scale ca. 1:170,000. “Key to the map of Charleston Harbor and defences” is pasted to the right of the map. “Green represents the Confederates” land [and] pink the Federal possessions” Indicates “torpedoes in the channels,” obstructions, bridges, roads and streets, railroads, and rivers. Letters A to K represent fortifications, headquarters, depots, and “place where Clarck of Brooklin was executed.” Forts and batteries are numbered 1 to 40. The number of guns and mortars for each is shown opposite the name given in the “Key” |
Sketch showing position of besieging batteries. [Fort Sumter] April 12-13, 1861 Bowen & Co., lith., Phila. Foster, John G. (John Gray), 1823-1874. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1866] NOTES Scale ca. 1:30,800. |
Map of the defences of Charleston city and harbor, showing also the works erected by the U.S. forces in 1863 and 1864 To accompany the report of Major Genl. Q. A. Gillmore, U.S. Vols. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 186-] NOTES Scale 1:60,000. At bottom of map: View off North Channel, For Sumter 3 1/2 miles distant, bearing W. 3/4 N., Febry. 18th 1865. This map without the Corps of Engineers’ insignia appears as Plate II of the Supplementary Report published with Q. A. Gillmore’s Engineer and Artillery Operations Against the Defenses of Charleston Harbor in 1863; with a Supplement. (New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1868). 314, 172 p. (U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Professional papers, no. 16) Shows drainage, vegetation, roads, railroads, soundings, shoals, channels, forts, batteries, picket line of the U.S. forces, plan of the city with the “effective, annoying [and] extreme range” of guns from Cumming’s Point. |
E. & G. W. Blunt’s map of Charleston and vicinity. E. & G.W. Blunt (Firm). CREATED/PUBLISHED [New York], 1862. NOTES Scale ca. 1:151,000. Indicates fortifications, roads, railroads, towns, street pattern of Charleston, drainage, vegetation, and ship channels. |
Charleston and its defences. Philadelphia Inquirer (Firm) CREATED/PUBLISHED Philadelphia, 1863. NOTES Scale ca. 1:52,000. From The Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday, April 11, 1863, p. 1. Map indicates forts, batteries, obstructions, and torpedoes (i.e., mines) |
Defences of Charleston, South Carolina From a reconnaissance made by direction of C. O. Boutelle, Asst. U.S.C.S., by E. Willenbucher. 1865. Bowen & Co., lith., Philada. Willenbucher, Eugene. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1865] NOTES Scales 1:2000 and 1:4000. |
Map of Charleston and vicinity. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1862. NOTES Scale ca. 1:170,000. |
General map of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, showing rebel defences and obstructions. Drawn by E. Willenbücher, Chas. G. Krebs, Lith. Willenbucher, Eugene. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington] 1865. NOTES Scale 1:30,000. Depths shown by gradient tints. Shows location of sunken ships. Includes table of rebel forts. |
Map of Charleston and its defences Compiled from surveys of portions of St. Andrews and Christ Ch. parishes by Lieut. John Johnson, C.S. Engrs., the harbor, James Id., Folly Id., Morris Id., Sullivans Id., & Long Id., from U.S. Coast Survey, Johns Id., from Mills Atlas. Under the direction of Maj; Wm. H. Echols, C.S. Engr. Corps, by Wm. A. Walker, Draughtsman, C.S. Engr. Corps. Drawn by John R. Key, 2nd. Lieut., C.S. Engr. Charleston, S.C., Nov: 28th, 1863. Walker, William A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1885] NOTES Scale 1:63,360 (not “2 inches to 1 mile”). In upper left corner: Copied for his excellency M. L. Bonham Governor of the State of South Carolina. In lower margin: Reproduced for Mayor Courtenay’s city year book, from the original map in the possession of the Chamber of Commerce, Charleston, S.C. Detailed map showing forts and batteries, roads, railroads, towns, houses and names of residents, vegetation, drainage, and soundings in Charleston Harbor and offshore. |
Fort Johnson, section of map of the defences of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina surveyed between March 7th & May 20th, 1865, under the direction of Brevet Major General R. Delafield, Chief Engineer, U.S. Army. Surveyed April 20th, 1865, by J. E. Weyss, Maj., U.S.V.; assisted by Mr. F. Theilkuhl & E. Schumann. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED N.Y., Am Photo. Litho. Co., [1865] NOTES Scale 1:1200. Below neat line of map: Furnished by the War Department to the City Council of Charleston, S.C. Shows topography by hachures, drainage, vegetation, batteries, and a detailed plan of the fortifications. |
Fort Sumter, South Carolina at the time of its capture February 18th, 1865. Showing the effects of the bombardment from Morris Island To accompany the report of Maj. Genl. Q. A. Gillmore, U.S. Vols., comdg. Dept. of the South. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED N.Y., Julius Bien & Co., photo-lith., [186-] NOTES Scale 1:240 and 1:600. Sheet contains a plan of the fort, a horizontal section, 3 elevations, and 13 sections. |
Plan of Fort Sumter, South Carolina] : surveyed, March 20th, 22, 27, 1865. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1865. NOTES Pen-and-ink and watercolor. “Red lines [denote] remainder of walls of old Ft. Sumter; Red dotted [lines indicate] souterains of walls of old Ft. Sumter; blue dotted [lines signify] souterains built out of the rubbish; [and] black [lines indicate] interior and exterior limits of Sumter at date.” |
Map showing siege operations against forts Sumter and Wagner, between July 13th & Sept. 7th, 1863, Maj. T. B. Brooks, A.D.C. & Assist. Engrs. Published by permission of Genl. Gillmore at the U.S. Coast Survey Office. Brooks, T. B. (Thomas Benton), 1836-1900. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1863] NOTES Scale ca. 1:6,750. Shows drainage, roads, high and low water line, 6-ft. and 12-ft. depth curve, batteries, trenches, stockades, and a plan of Fort Wagner. Fort Sumter does not appear on this map, only the line of fire to the fort from the breaching batteries south of Fort Wagner. |
Defences of Charleston Harbor. Fortifications on James Island From a reconaissance made under direction of C. O. Boutelle, Assistant U.S.C.S., by Eugene Willenbucher. 1865. Lith. Bowen & Co., Philada. Willenbucher, Eugene. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1865] NOTES Scales 1:2000 and 1:4000. cludes plans of batteries Glover, Haskall and Wampler, and Fort Johnson. Also included are 18 profiles of the defensive works. |
Carte de Port Royal et des environs : avec un plan de la côte du sud, depuis Bull’s Bay (Caroline du Sud), jusqu’à Brunswick (Géorgie), indiquant les moyens de communication entre Beaufort, Savanah [sic] Ft. Charleston / drawn by G. Woolworth Colton, N.Y. Colton, G. Woolworth (George Woolworth), 1827-1901. CREATED/PUBLISHED [New York] : Courrier des États-Unis, [186-?] NOTES Scale ca. 1:160,000. Depths shown by contours. Ships shown pictorially. Inset: Part of the coast of S. Carolina showing the relative positions of Charleston, Beaufort & Savannah. |
Preliminary chart of Port Royal entrance. Beaufort, Chechessee, and Colleton Rivers, South Carolina From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superindent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by C. O. Boutelle, Assist. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieuts. Commdg. J. N. Maffit and C. M. Fauntleroy, U.S.N, Assists. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:60,000. “No. 18” is in the upper left corner. Detailed nautical chart showing Hilton Head Island and vicinity. Indicated are soundings, bottom contours, and vegetation. Includes sailing directions. |
Preliminary chart of Port Royal entrance, Beaufort, Broad and Chechessee Rivers, South Carolina From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache,Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by C. O. Boutelle, Asst. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieuts. Comdg. J. N. Maffitt, C. M. Fauntleroy, and J. P. Bankhead, U.S.N., Assists. and of C. O. Boutelle, Asst. and W. S. Edwards, Sub-Asst. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:60,000. |
Map of St. Helena Sound, and the coast between Charleston and Savannah Compiled from the U.S. Coast Survey. Lith by C. D. Andrews & Co., Boston. A. Williams & Co. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, A. Williams & Co., 1861. NOTES Scale ca. 1:385,000. Shows forts, towns, roads, railroads, rivers, and islands. Insets: Fort Walker. 4 x 3 cm.-Fort Beauregard. 4 x 3 cm. |
Preliminary chart of St. Helena Sound, South Carolina From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by C. O. Boutelle and C. P. Bolles, Assistants. Topography by John Seib, Assistant. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieut. Comdg. J. N. Maffitt, U.S.N. and C. O. Boutelle, Assists. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1864. NOTES Scale 1:40,000. |
Stono Inlet, South Carolina From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation, topography and hydrography by the parties under the direction of C. O. Boutelle, Assist., Coast Survey. Drawn by E. Willenbucher. Chas. G. Krebs, lith. Willenbucher, Eugene. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:20,000. Preliminary edition. “The triangulation was executed in 1852; the topography and hydrography were executed in 1862.” General chart showing soundings and bottom contours. Includes sailing directions. |
Defences of Charleston S.C. Fortifications on Sullivan’s Island From a reconaissance made under direction of C. O. Boutelle, Assistant U.S.C.S., by Eugene Willenbucher. 1865. Bowen & Co., lith., Philada. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1865] NOTES Scale ca. 1:4000. Map shows Battery Bee and forts Moultrie, Beauregard, and Marshall. Included are 21 profiles of the defensive works. A “List of guns” appears in the lower left corner. |
Map of the environs of Savannah, Georgia. 186-] Drawn by A. Lindenkoh. Chas. G. Krebs, lith. Lindenkohl, A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 186-] NOTES Scale not given. Printed map without title. Indicates fortifications, roads, railroads, drainage, vegetation, towns, and some houses and names of residents in outlying areas. |
Map of the seat of war, in South Carolina, and Georgia. Evans & Cogswell. CREATED/PUBLISHED Charleston, S.C., Evans & Cogswell, [1861] NOTES Scale ca. 1:450,000. Inset: Portion of Georgia [around Savannah]. Uncolored. Scale not given. 11 x 17 cm. Confederate imprint. Shows coastal area from Georgetown, South Carolina, to Savannah, Georgia, and territory inland as far north as Kingstree, South Carolina, to Orangeburgh, South Carolina. Gives the location of forts and shows coastal shoals, drainage, roads, railroads, ferries, bridges, dwellings with names of inhabitants, churches, and post offices. |
Beaufort Harbor and coast line between Charleston, S.C. and Savanna [sic] Ga., with 5 mile distance lines in circles round Beaufort, and R.R. connections, roads, &c, &c. L. Prang & Co. CREATED/PUBLISHED Boston, [1861?] NOTES Scale not given. Indicates ships in Beaufort Harbor and a few of the line coastal forts. “The naval force in the great expedition” appears above the map, followed by the names of commanding officers. Below the neat line at the bottom of the map appear the names of the ships, the captains, and the number of guns aboard each ship. |
Sea coast defences. Manigault, Gabriel E. (Gabriel Edward), 1833-1899. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1861?] NOTES Scale not given. Confederate imprint. Suggested “system of defence for smaller ports and inlets” in South Carolina, signed “G.M.” and illustrated by a plan of a fort. Gabriel Manigault (1809-1888) was the author of a “Letter Addressed to Governor M. L. Bonham, of South Carolina, on the Defences of Charleston” (1863) |
Sketch of portions of seacoast of South Carolina & Georgia Drawn by A. Lindenkohl. Autogr. copy by H. Lindenkohl. Lindenkohl, A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:200,000. Autographed in ink: Gen. M. C. Meigs USA. Map of the coast from Bull’s Bay, South Carolina, to Ossabaw Sound, Georgia, showing forts, drainage, roads, railroads, and towns. “References” at the bottom center of the map give dates on which forts were captured by the Federal forces. |
Coast of South Carolina from Charleston to Hilton Head. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, U.S. Coast Survey], 1862. NOTES Scale 1:200,000. Insets: Plan and view of Fort “Beauregard”-Bay Point, S.C. Scale 1:2000. 16 x 17 cm.-Fort on Fenwick’s Island, S.C. Scale 1:1000. 13 x 15 cm.-Ground plan and view of fort on Bay Point-South Edisto R., S.C. Scale 1:1000. 14 x 15 cm.-Plan and view of fort on Otter Isld. Point-St. Helena Sound, S.C. Scale 1:1000. 12 x 15 cm.-Fort on Sam’s Point, Coosaw River, S.C. Scale 1:1000. 13 x 15 cm.-Ground plan and view of fort on Botany-Bay Isld., North Edisto R. Scale 1:2000. 12 x 15 cm.-Fort “Walker”-Hilton Head Isld., S.C. Scale 1:2000. 13 x 15 cm.-Sketch E showing the progress of the survey in section no. V from 1847 to 1862. [Triangulation network from Winyah Bay, South Carolina, to Amelia Island, Florida] Scale 1:600,000. 24 x 74 cm. |
Preliminary chart of Calibogue Sound and Skull Creek forming inside passage from Tybee Roads to Port Royal Sound, South Carolina From a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States. Triangulation by C. O. Boutelle, C. P. Bolles, Capt. E.O.C. Ord, and Lieut. D. T. Van Buren, U.S.A. Assts. Typography by C. Rockwell, Sub Asst. Hydrography by the parties under the command of Lieut. Comdg. J. N. Maffitt, U.S.N. Asst. and W. S. Edwards, Sub-Asst. United States Coast Survey. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington U.S. Coast Survey] 1862. NOTES Scale 1:40,000. |
Plans & views of Rebel defences, coast of South Carolina Drawn by E. Willenbucher, under the direction of C. O. Boutelle, Assist., U.S. Coast Survey. Willenbucher, Eugene. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philada., Bowen & Co., lith., 1862 NOTES Scale not given. Contents: Fort “Walker,” Hilton Head Isld., S.C. Scale 1:2000. 17 x 15 cm.-Ground plan and view of fort on Botany-Bay Isld. North Edisto R. Scale 1:2000. 12 x 15 cm.-Fort on Sam’s Point, Coosaw River, S.C. Scale 1:1000. 13 x 15 cm.-Ground plan and view of fort on Bay Point South Edisto R., S.C. Scale 1:1000. 14 x 15 cm.-Plan and view of Fort “Beauregard,” Bay Point, S.C. Scale 1:2000. 17 x 17 cm.-Plan and view of fort on Otter Isld. Point, St. Helena Sound, S.C. Scale 1:1600. 12 x 17 cm.-Fort on Fenwick’s Island, S.C. Scale 1:1000. 13 x 17 cm. At the bottom of each map is a view of the fort. |
Sketch of portions of seacoast of South Carolina & Georgia Drawn by A. Lindenkohl.]. Lindenkohl, A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], 1863. NOTES [Scale 1:200,000]. Map of the coast from Bull’s Bay, South Carolina, to Ossabaw Sound, Georgia, showing forts, drainage, roads, railroads, and towns. “References” is printed in the lower left corner. |
Sketch of sea coast of South Carolina and Georgia from Bull’s Bay to Ossabaw Sound / drawn by A. Lindenkohl ; E. Molitor, lith. Lindenkohl, A. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington] : U.S. Coast Survey, 1863. NOTES Scale 1:200,000. |
Part of South Carolina and Georgia] Engineer Bureau, Dec. 24th 1864. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l., 1864] NOTES Scale 1:350,000. Southern half of an unidentified printed map. Sheet extends from Augusta south to Jacksonville, Georgia, and Beaufort, South Carolina, west to Eatonton, Georgia. Indicated are roads and railroads, cities and towns, houses and names of residents, rivers, and forts. |
Colton’s South Carolina. Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893. CREATED/PUBLISHED New York, J. H. Colton 1865. NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,3000,000. General map showing county and state boundaries, cities and towns, roads and railroads, rivers, and forts. Insets: Colton’s plan of Charleston, vicinity & harbor. 12 x 10 cm.-Fort Sumter. 3 x 3 cm. |
Sketch showing position of Boyd’s Neck, Honey Hill, and Devaux’ Neck, in Decr. 1864 Bowen & Co., lith., Philada. Foster, John G. (John Gray), 1823-1874. CREATED/PUBLISHED [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1866] NOTES Scale ca. 1:670,00 (not “1 inch=10 miles”). Map indicates “lines of investment of Gen. Sherman” at Savannah, Georgia, Boyd’s Neck, Honey Hill and Devaux’ Neck, South Carolina, and “position of rebel ironclads” on the Savannah River. |
Railroad map of South Carolina by Jed. Hotchkiss, T.E., Stanton, Va., 1880. Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 1828-1899. NOTES Scale ca. 1:1,250,000. Pen-and-ink sketch showing drainage, counties, cities and towns, and the railroads with names along the lines. |